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Unit 1.1 - Hardware and Software

Build Your Own Computer!


Objective: Students will learn about the different components of a computer system and their functions, and work in groups to assemble their own computer.



- Computer parts (CPU, motherboard, RAM, ROM, graphics card, sound card, NIC, camera, storage devices, input and output devices)

- Screwdrivers and other necessary tools for assembly

- Computer building guide (online or printed)



1. Divide students into groups of 3-4.

2. Give each group a set of computer parts and tools.

3. Have students use the computer building guide to identify the different components and their functions, and assemble the computer system.

4. As a group, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each component and its role in the computer system.

5. Have each group present their completed computer system to the class, explaining the functions and advantages of each component.

6. Allow students to experiment with their computers and test out different input and output devices, such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and speakers.



- Participation in group discussion and assembly of computer system (10 points)

- Accuracy in identifying components and their functions (10 points)

- Quality of presentation and explanation of computer system (10 points)


Note: Teachers should ensure that all students have equal opportunity to participate in the assembly and discussion, and may provide additional support or guidance for students who need it.

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